It has been a while since my last addition to “At the Cross”. As my practice continues to grow, I find that I must be more deliberate in my efforts to spend time reading God’s Holy Word. This is important for many reasons, but one is that I realize scripture is a way that God speaks to me personally. His creation and prayer are two other topics that I hope to cover in the near future.
I am thankful my work has gotten busy so quickly, but I must be determined not to let it interfere with my daily walk with Jesus. When this happens, re-establish your relationship with Him at once. Scripture reading is an excellent way to accomplish this. So, as I was reading my Bible, the above passage from Luke Chapter 8 caught my attention. Jesus’ disciples ask this question after he calms a raging storm on the Sea of Galilee. How could these men who spent personal time with Jesus not know his true identity? By this time they had heard his Sermon on the Mount and witnessed numerous miracles. It is no wonder that so many in this world question who Jesus is and don’t know Him as their personal Savior.
As I read on a few verses farther, I was even more amazed at who answers the disciples’ question. When the boat reaches dry land and Jesus steps ashore, he is immediately recognized by a man possessed by so many demons they called him Legion. At the mere sight of Jesus, this man begins shouting “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the most high God? I beg you, don’t torture me!” (v. 28) This one verse confirms so many things. I think most of us agree that evil does exist in this world. More importantly, it shows that Jesus is exactly who He claimed to be and that evil is powerless against Him. This should bring all of us great comfort and a sense of peace.
The Bible says that He will return one day and restore us, making all things new. What a wonderful day that will be for all who have repented of their sins and trusted in Jesus as their savior. I encourage you to read the scriptures, draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. (James 4:7-8)
Dr. B